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Some of the New Products on Show

Virtual test driving across the development process
IPG Automotive

IPG Automotive will present numerous ADAS and AV applications in combination with the CarMaker product family, to demonstrate how virtual test driving is enabled along the complete development process from SIL to HIL to VIL. Simulation scaling allows for the generation of enormous numbers of test kilometers, identification of critical edge cases and training of complex AI algorithms. Related to this, possibilities for scenario generation and variation as well as the latest advancements in OpenSCENARIO and OpenDRIVE will be presented. In addition, the company will showcase cross-domain simulation solutions for the entire event chain, from perception and trajectory planning to actuation.

Another focal point will be sensor technology, from mapping an ideal sensor model all the way through to highly detailed, real-time-capable RSI sensor simulation of radar, camera, lidar and ultrasonic sensors. Autonomous driving functions in commercial vehicles as well as V2X simulation solutions will be other important topics discussed at the company’s booth.

VIRTO, a virtual vehicle development tool suite that offers easy access to virtual test driving and simplifies vehicle development, will also be presented. As a superordinate data and workflow management platform, VIRTO consists of apps that can be seamlessly connected to third-party tools and thus be integrated into existing vehicle development processes.

Booth 6304

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