
Speaker Details

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Gil Amid

Gil is chief regulatory affairs officer, VP of operations and co-founder of Foretellix. He is a former vice president of Intel Corporation. Gil has over 35 years of experience in the verification world, from system-level H/W and S/W verification to VLSI/microprocessors validation and verification. He is actively involved in various autonomous vehicle safety standardization and regulation-setting activities.


When ODD meets OpenSCENARIO 2.0 – safety-driven validation

The presentation modeling of ODD ( operational design domain) in ASAM OpenSCENARIO® DSL 2.0, and incorporating it into safety-driven validation. The presentation demonstrates the interaction between scenarios and ODD during virtual testing. Special Attention will be given to the challenges of modeling ODDs and validating correct behavior of the ADS within an ODD.

The audience will learn:

  • How to model an ODD using ASAM OpenSCENARIO 2.0
  • How to simulate and validate ADS/AV and incorporate ODDs into the simulation
  • How to produce coverage metrics on ODDs