
Speaker Details

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Suku Phull

Phull is a chartered engineer and has worked for the Department for Transport since 1991 as a technical specialist. His work spans a wide range of technical policy and research areas in traffic management and intelligent transport systems. His extensive experience and knowledge are well known in the UK public/private sector and internationally. Phull has a BSc in electrical and electronic engineering and MSc in microelectronics. He has been an author/co-author on numerous technical publications and has presented at various conferences and professional meetings nationally and internationally.


The pathway to fully connected services

Intelligent transport systems (ITS) have evolved over the last 20 years from simple traffic signals, traffic detectors and signs operated by human operators into interconnected systems connecting and interfacing more directly to individual users with increasing levels of automated control through the emergence of connected and automated vehicle technologies. These more recent developments are intended to enable data sharing between systems to deliver a wide range of transportation-related socioeconomic benefits; within Europe these are generally termed ‘cooperative ITS’ (C-ITS) services and embrace infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. This paper will provide an overview of global activities.

The audience will learn:

  • Global developments on cooperative, connected and automated mobility
  • Key supporting pillars enabling current developments
  • Roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in the process
  • The role of big data as an enabler
  • uUse cases under development and pilots