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Adrian Bertl

Dipl.-Ing. Adrian Bertl studied media technology at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences, specializing in media informatics. He has been working for b-plus since 2009 as a team leader for technology-driven product marketing. In 2022 he switched to the strategic product management of software for development tools for automated driving.


Navigating challenges in autonomous driving data acquisition

This presentation delves into pivotal challenges faced by sensor and vehicle manufacturers in autonomous driving data acquisition. Focusing on data protection and confidentiality, it spans issues related to navigating sensitive data and enabling collaboration with external entities right from the beginning. Addressing data quality concerns, essential inputs for AI model training including tool requirements for compression, sensor synchronization and quality control of annotated data are covered. Emphasizing the importance of a diverse set of scenarios, tool requirements for selective data recording are outlined. Lastly, the presentation delves into the process aspects, covering the infrastructure for managing large scale data acquisition.

The audience will learn:

  • The main requirements for usable data
  • An architecture for efficient data acquisition
  • Future data protection requirements