
Speaker Details

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Florin Grec

Florin is the LEO-PNT mission and experimentation engineer in the Directorate of Navigation at the European Space Agency. His work is focused on new space-based and terrestrial-based positioning technologies, such as GNSS, LEO-PNT and 5G. He is currently representing ESA in 3GPP for the working groups on LTE and 5G positioning enhancements, where he promotes the development of open standards for high-accuracy GNSS services and NTN localization capabilities. In the past, he has been a visiting researcher at Politecnico di Milano and Leica Geosystems.


ESA's LEO-PNT mission: revolutionizing GNSS

In this presentation, we explore the European Space Agency's innovative Low-Earth Orbit PNT initiative, a project poised to significantly enhance GNSS systems. Particularly relevant to the automotive community, this development promises improved accuracy and reliability over traditional GNSS. By harnessing the closer proximity of low Earth orbit (LEO), the ESA's program aims to offer rapid, precise PNT data, crucial for the future of autonomous and connected vehicles. This presentation delves into the technical advancements, potential applications and the transformative impact of LEO-PNT on automotive navigation technologies.

The audience will learn:

  • What LEO-PNT is and how it is different from GNSS
  • Expected benefits of LEO-PNT for automotive: fast and accurate resilient positioning
  • How to engage with us to test the technology
  • Synergies with 5G NTN from automotive point of view