
Speaker Details

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Raunaq Bose

Raunaq Bose is an award-winning engineer with a focus on human interaction with technology and its effect on future society. He is the co-founder and CTO of Humanising Autonomy. Humanising Autonomy exists to enable technology to be built around people, not the other way around. The computer vision software specializes in analyzing camera and video data to quickly interpret and predict pedestrian, passenger and vehicle behavior to better inform automated decision making in the automotive and mobility industry – leading to safer, more efficient, or simply more pleasant experiences for people.


Moving from ADAS to HDAS – humanized driver assistance systems

ADAS and AV technologies have so far had limited success in areas with high numbers of vulnerable road users (VRUs) such as pedestrians and cyclists. The current approach is much too focused on the 'physics' of the situation (relative distances, velocities and accelerations of VRUs), which does not reflect the reality of interactions and negotiations between vehicles and VRUs. Developing ADAS and AV technologies focused on the behavior of VRUs, on top of their physics, is key for the widespread adoption of ADAS. This presentation will outline the performance and user benefits of a humanized driver assistance system (HDAS).

The audience will learn:

  • ADAS and AV technologies are too focused on the physics of situations
  • At best, this leads to annoyance and a loss of trust with ADAS/AV technologies, meaning people ignore them
  • At worst, it leads to accidents and fatalaties as systems are switched off or complex situations misinterpreted
  • Developing ADAS and AV technologies focused on the behavior of VRUs, not just their motion, is key
  • Some approaches that can make ADAS/AV more humanized and lead to better performance and compliance