
Speaker Details

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Gordan Galic

Gordan Galic has 25+ years of experience with FPGA technology. Since joining Xylon in 1997, Galic worked as an FPGA designer and project leader in a multitude of projects, including projects that globally introduced the FPGA technology to many infotainment and ADAS developing companies. In his current position as the head of Xylon marketing, Galic participates in the definition of Xylon's automotive video datalogging solutions and spends most of his time driving evangelical and enabling activities focused on integrating Xylon products in customer test and validation and video ADAS/AD applications.


Flexible HIL helps technology providers accelerate CI/CD capabilities

Nowadays automated vehicles have 10+ cameras, multiple radar, lidar and other sensors. A diverse approach to simulation is a strategic need for ADAS platform providers. Technology providers adopting HIL-based resimulation together with cloud-native SW capabilities have a more complete approach. HIL platforms must leverage big data and enable fast feedback to developers. The presentation will explain how to stay ahead of new HW requirements with the futureproof HIL platform that grows with users’ needs. Typical HIL validation challenges and their solutions will be presented based on Qualcomm’s use of Xylon’s HIL system in the development and validation of Snapdragon Ride Vision.

The audience will learn:

  • The challenges faced by technology providers who want to accelerate CI/CD capabilities
  • Adopting HIL resimulation within the organization, with an emphasis on big data handling and cloud-native SW capabilities
  • How challenging integration of third-party tools saves company investments and enables reuse of existing data assets
  • Description of a flexible HIL platform that solves current challenges and expands to fulfill future requirements
  • Full demo case description explaining how Qualcomm uses Xylon HIL to validate the Snapdragon Ride Vision platform