
Speaker Details

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Andres Aparicio

Applus IDIADA is a development partner for the automotive industry, providing engineering, testing and certification services worldwide. IDIADA is a contractor for NHTSA US NCAP, a designated Technical Service for GSR and an official Euro NCAP laboratory. Andrés Aparicio has been at IDIADA for 18 years, always involved in safety topics. Currently, he is Head of ADAS and Connected and Automated Vehicles at IDIADA worldwide. He has been involved in the consolidation of ADAS & CAV capabilities in Europe, Asia and North America. Also, he is an active member in Euro NCAP, participating and leading several Working Groups.


Regulations and consumer testing requirements in the EU for ADAS and AD and compared to the rest of the world

The deployment of ADAS in the European market is guided by legal and consumer requirements defined by local stakeholders. The General Safety Regulation defines mandatory requirements that urge for standard fitment of multiple ADAS in all new vehicles. And beyond the legal framework, Euro NCAP foresees complex safety and assisted driving systems, with a comprehensive roadmap until 2030. In parallel, other regions including China and US also have implemented specific programs and drafted very ambitious roadmaps. The presentation will review current and future requirements for ADAS applicable to the European and other international markets.

The audience will learn:

  • List of legal requirements for ADAS and AD in Europe
  • Overview of consumer requirements defined by Euro NCAP
  • Comparison of ADAS and AD requirements in EU and other regions in the world