
Speaker Details

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Valeriy Savelyev

Professor Valeriy Savelyev is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences. Savelyev has exceptional experience in carrying out fundamental research in the field of high-energy physics at large physical experimental facilities – CERN (Europe), DESY (Germany), FNAL (USA). There are more than 500 scientific publications in leading scientific journals, in addition to 10 patents for instrumentation. Savelyev is the inventor of a new photon detector with low photon flux down to single-photon response – the Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM), based on modern CMOS technology. Savelyev leads the research and development of new photonic sensors for a wide range of applications, including autonomous vehicles and others.


New tendencies in lidar technology for autonomous vehicles

The current state of development of autonomous vehicle technology requires a critical analysis of the requirements and key elements of autonomous driving systems, in particular, visualization systems. The report focuses on emerging trends in lidar technology to improve performance in autonomous vehicles. The new trends are flash principles of lidar with fast response; optical systems for laser beam distribution, in particular diffraction optics; a new method of obtaining information in the format of a visual camera with distance information (possibly in color), which makes it possible to analyze information based on AI without the stage of spatial reconstruction; and others. This also provides advanced engineering solutions, such as the absence of mechanical parts, miniaturization, power consumption and others.

The audience will learn:

  • The current state of autonomous vehicle technologies from the point of view of visualization systems
  • Novel tendencies in lidar visualization systems – principles and instrumentations
  • The lidar flash principle – pulsed illumination of the entire situation, reading the information in camera format and determining range
  • Key elements of advanced lidar sensors – laser light source on base diffraction optics, photosensors on base silicon photomultiplier
  • New information format and processing algorithms