
Speaker Details

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Alain Piperno

Alain is an autonomous vehicles testing and homologation senior expert at UTAC in France. From 2015-2019 he was a research leader and trainer in French research institute VEDECOM and at UTAC. From 2015-2018 he led a French automobile AV testing/homologation working group. In 2014 he worked on the French AV safety roadmap as Renault’s research safety leader. He managed some Renault end-to-end innovation projects from 2006 to 2013, including tele-diagnosis, connected car services, stolen vehicle tracking, EV smart charging and smartphone software.


Automated vehicles Level 1-2-3-4-5: overview of regulation/Euro NCAP status and testing challenges

UTAC is a worldwide reference in testing and type approval and an accredited lab for Euro NCAP tests and for type approval tests in France. The presentation will review today's regulation and testing capacities proposals and new challenges including Level 1-2-3-4-5 regulations status for M1 vehicles, shuttles, buses, delivery robots, SW/OTA, cybersecurity, AI and virtual type approval, and today's needs/solutions for testing and validation: physical, new protocols, new targets, rain and fog testing, digital and VIL testing, AI, V2X, cybersecurity, etc.

The audience will learn:

  • Overview of today and tomorrow ADAS-AD regulations
  • Overview of today and tomorrow ADAS-AD Euro NCAP ratings
  • Overview of new testing challenges
  • Overview of first steps for virtual type approval, AI evaluation, …