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Pierre Delaigue

Pierre Delaigue is the Director of Connected, Autonomous and Electric Mobility projects at Vinci. After receiving his B.S. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, he worked for 6 years as a Research Scientist at The Center for Intelligent Systems Research in Washington, DC on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. He then joined Renault in 2007 where he spent 10 years in both technical and managerial positions, focusing on various innovation topics in Europe and the US. He spent 5 years in Renault-Nissan Silicon Valley lab in San Francisco conducting research activities on connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles. He joined Vinci in 2018 to design and deploy infrastructure based solutions for connected, autonomous and electric mobility services.


Connected highways: a controlled & realistic testbed environment to validate ADAS/AD and V2X functions

The introduction of ADAS, V2X and AD functions creates a growing need for more complex yet realistic testing environments. On one hand, brute force road testing to accumulate millions of miles doesn’t seem viable. On the other hand, closed track environments lack the representativity of open road environments. Open road testbeds thus provide relevant controlled and repeatable environments to test new automotive features efficiently. Examples include ground truth location data using roadside perception for ADAS testing, on site V2X performance evaluation to compare short-range competing technologies… Simulation capabilities can be included to test edge cases in a safe hybrid environment.

The audience will learn:

  • Open road testbeds provide controlled and repeatable test environments to validate ADAS/AD and V2X functions
  • Examples of relevant test cases include ground truth location data using roadside perception and comparative performance evaluation of V2X technologies
  • Simulation capabilities can supplement real world testing and provide an opportunity to test edge cases in a safe hybrid environment