
Speaker Details

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Jonas Stüble

Jonas Stüble is a system architect for future vehicle power net at Bosch. His current tasks include participation in UNECE's special interest group on electromechanical braking (SIG-EMB), contributing to the ongoing revision of UN regulations regarding energy supply in vehicles.


Recommendation for a common understanding of ISO 26262 regarding autonomous vehicles

Technical regulations and recommendations do not yet fully account for the safety-related availability of power supply systems. Specifically, the application of ISO 26262 on the power supply of autonomous vehicles is troublesome. Concurrently, engineers have gathered to write a recommendation (VDA 450) that facilitates the application of safe electrical power supply to other systems with safety-related availability like autonomous vehicles. This presentation highlights the framework of the VDA 450 recommendation and its principles that comply with ISO 26262 and help to ensure safe power supply for autonomous vehicles.

The audience will learn:

  • Powernet topologies that enable autonomous driving
  • Functional safety requirements breakdown from vehicle level to component level
  • ISO 26262-compliant power supply system
  • Safety measures that ensure freedom from interference
  • Exemplary power supply system topologies