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Sarah Gates

Sarah Gates is director of public policy at Wayve, a London-based company pioneering AI to solve self-driving. Wayve is building embodied AI software that gives vehicles the safe driving intelligence to drive anywhere. Gates created the public policy team at Wayve and works closely with governments across the world and their partners, focusing on the future regulatory framework for autonomous vehicles. Prior to joining Wayve, Gates had a multidisciplinary background across a variety of science and technology roles. She began her career in academia, with a PhD at Imperial College London and has since specialized in science and research policy; in AI, data and emerging technologies, in both the UK government and industry.


Panel Discussion - Safe AI for Automated Driving: Reality or Fiction?

The current hype around ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs) has increased the focus on the need for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) (UK’s Global AI Safety Summit (Nov 2023) & US Govt’s Executive Order on AI). AI algorithms which are non-deterministic form a fundamental part of any Automated Driving System. Using non-deterministic algorithms in safety critical systems like Automated Driving require new approaches to safety argumentation & their regulation. This panel session will bring diverse AI approaches in AD development & diverse regulatory approaches to identify both the need and feasibility of regulation & developing safe AI.

The audience will learn:

  • Establish if (and how) AI development for Automated Driving needs to be regulated / standardised
  • Strategies for tackling bias and completeness for training & testing datasets for AI development for Automated Driving
  • Role and new challenges that LLMs bring with their incorporation to Automated Driving System development
  • Difference in AI governance & regulatory approaches between type-approval and self-certification frameworks